Custer State Park, SD

High up in the Black Hills is one of South Dakota’s true treasures, the Needles Hwy in Custer State Park. It’s a beautiful place! The road winds for miles past beautiful canyons and spire rock formations. And driving here is a real experience with hair pin turns and rock tunnels barely wide enough to get through! 


september-2016-custer-state-park-wyoming_09-19-16_5021Yes, we really drove thru with not a whole lot of room to spare!


The Needles Eyeseptember-2016-custer-state-park-wyoming_09-19-16_5053The park is home to aprox. 1300 Bison. This guy thought the road side was a good place for lunch! He didn’t seem to mind Susan getting this shot of his good side!!september-2016-custer-state-park-wyoming_09-19-16_5005

The Badlands, SD

The best way to describe this National Park is that we left earth and landed on another planet! This incredibly harsh landscape, what once was ocean bottom millions of years ago, goes on for miles and miles!2016-september-badlands-s-dakota_09-16-16_4843

The layers you see were caused by the receding waters leaving the beautiful colors and peaks several hundred feet high.

2016-september-badlands-s-dakota_09-16-16_4737Every Turn brought new views!

2016-september-badlands-s-dakota_09-16-16_4718…..and we passed on hiking!!

Mt. Rushmore National Memorial

We’ve seen this in pictures so many times. Billboards, ads, businesses all showing the familiar faces. Even our license plates have George, Thomas, Theodore and Abraham on them! BUT none of these even come close to capturing the awe inspiring feeing of viewing these past US presidents in person!2016-september-south-dakota_09-15-16_4420


The rope and bag  are being used to bring new crack monitoring sensors to the top which track movement within the rock.

Honest Abe

The view from the top of the Black Hills.


view through the cave


We were lucky enough to capture this mother and baby mountain goat on the rocks a few yard away!


It took an incredable talent and vision to create this masterpiece in the Black hills of South Dakota. What and incredable day!!